Affective Liminal Psychology™ 

(also known as Affective Liminal Programming)

 A Novel Paradigm in Understanding Behavior Change

Human behavior, in its complexity, has been the subject of numerous psychological theories. Many traditional methodologies attempt to change behavior without addressing its emotional roots, often leading to minimal success. Enter Affective Liminal Psychology (ALP) – a novel paradigm which posits that genuine, lasting change is only possible when we first address our underlying emotions.


Pertaining to moods, feelings, and attitudes. It's the emotional tone accompanying what we do, often driving our actions.


Relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.


The act of instructing or training an individual to alter or control certain behaviors or responses.

Several key principles underpin the ALP frameworks

  • Emotional Primacy, or Emotion Based Change (EBC)

    At the core of ALP is the idea that emotions are primary drivers of human action. They influence our perceptions, shape our motivations, and can either facilitate or hinder our capacity for change.

  • The Subconscious Storehouse

    The subconscious mind serves as a reservoir for our deepest emotions, beliefs, and memories. These stored emotions profoundly shape our behaviors, often without our overt awareness.

  • The Liminal Space

    ALP underscores the crucial 'liminal space' between our conscious decisions and our subconscious drivers. It's in this transitional arena that we can access and modify the emotions guiding our actions.

  • Behavioral Facade

    Behaviors, while visible and tangible, are merely the tip of the iceberg. Underneath, a vast reservoir of emotions, feelings, and experiences influence these behaviors. Attempting to change behavior without addressing this emotional foundation can be akin to treating symptoms without diagnosing the underlying ailment.

  • Ease of Change

    ALP suggests that when emotions are prioritized and addressed, altering behavior becomes simpler and more intuitive. This is because once the emotional root causes are understood and transformed, the behaviors they drive can naturally realign without force or contrived efforts.

  • Sustainability

    Changes rooted in genuine emotional transformation tend to be more durable. While behaviors modified without emotional insight might revert, those anchored in emotional understanding have a higher likelihood of enduring.

  • Comprehensive Approach

    ALP doesn't advocate for disregarding behavioral interventions. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of integrating emotional understanding into these interventions. The synergy of addressing both emotion and behavior can optimize the change process

Distinguishing Affective Liminal Programming

Traditional behavior-change methods often prioritize conscious strategies and external reinforcement. While these techniques have value, their success can be limited when the underlying emotional triggers remain untouched.

ALP diverges significantly in its methodology. Recognizing the potent force of emotion, it targets the affective roots of behaviors. Moreover, it harnesses the power of the liminal space, facilitating the unveiling of subconscious emotions into conscious cognition. Through this, individuals gain profound insights into their behaviors and are better equipped to instigate enduring change.

  • By acknowledging the emotional gratification derived from habits, ALP can steer individuals towards healthier routines.

  • Realizing the emotional gaps that substances or behaviors fill can guide more efficacious interventions.

  • Achieving peak performance becomes possible when one's emotional drivers are aligned with their goals.

  • Success is more likely when an individual's emotional and rational aspirations are harmonized.

Affective Liminal Programming presents a groundbreaking methodology that places emotions at the epicenter of behavior change. By maneuvering through the liminal space between the conscious and subconscious, it allows individuals to address the deeply-rooted emotional catalysts of their actions. ALP offers a holistic and more effective approach to change, suggesting that true transformation is an inside-out process

The Liminal Process™:
Bridging the Conscious and the Subconscious for Affect-Centered Behavioral Change

The main objection to ALP is that emotions feel difficult if not impossible to change. The deeply researched and effective Liminal Process overcomes that fear and is one of the core Conceptual Frameworks of ALP: 

The term "liminal" is derived from the Latin word "limen," which means "threshold." In the realm of psychology and personal transformation, the Liminal Process refers to the transitional phase or space that exists between the conscious and subconscious mind. This intermediate space is of paramount importance as it presents a unique opportunity to shift emotions, paving the way for behavior change through the path of least resistance.

The Liminal Process operates on the principle that sustainable behavioral change is not merely a result of conscious decision-making but is rooted in profound emotional transformation that occurs when bridging the conscious and the subconscious.

To navigate this transitional space effectively, there are four critical pillars to consider

  • 1. End Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort experienced when one holds two or more conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. The Liminal Process emphasizes the importance of resolving this internal conflict to achieve emotional clarity. By ending cognitive dissonance, one can discern the true intentions behind these clashing perspectives. The profound realization that emerges from this is that each of these conflicting voices, when distilled to their essence, inherently seeks the well-being and wholeness of the self. The dissolution of this dissonance paves the way for authentic emotional resonance and coherence, thereby setting the stage for meaningful change.

  • 2. Rewire Your Subconscious Belief Systems

    Society's prevalent beliefs often shape our subconscious frameworks. Using the example of alcohol consumption, societal myths and misconceptions about drinking permeate individual consciousness. The Liminal Process aims to debunk these myths by juxtaposing them against rigorous scientific evidence and logical analysis.

    In doing so, it challenges and alters the individual's deep-seated beliefs, catalyzing an emotional shift. When subconscious beliefs align more closely with factual knowledge, the emotions stemming from these beliefs become more balanced, rational, and conducive to positive behavior.

  • 3. Adopt an Experiment Mentality

    Embracing a behavioral change is akin to venturing into uncharted territory. The Liminal Process encourages individuals to approach this journey with an experimental mindset. By adopting this perspective, one can engage in new behaviors with an open heart and mind, free from the shackles of shame, guilt, or blame. Each misstep is not viewed through the lens of failure but is considered valuable data. This reframing transforms the narrative of the experience. Missteps are no longer debilitating emotional setbacks; instead, they are enlightening moments of education and growth. By interpreting them as learning opportunities, the negative emotional spirals that often exacerbate undesired behaviors are circumvented.

  • 4. Build A Life You Don’t Want To Escape

    In the culminating step of the LiminaL Process the emphasis shifts from merely altering detrimental behaviors to proactively sculpting a fulfilling life that negates the inclination for self-medication. This phase posits that many behaviors, particularly those of escapism, arise from deeper unresolved issues or unmet needs. Thus, sustainable change necessitates not just abstaining from these behaviors but fostering a life rich in purpose, relationships, and contentment, making self-medication behaviors superfluous. This holistic strategy ensures the longevity of positive behavioral adjustments and enriches overall life quality

In conclusion, the Liminal Process offers a comprehensive, affect-centered approach to behavioral change. By operating in the space between the conscious and subconscious and focusing on emotional recalibration, it facilitates transformation that is both deep-rooted and sustainable. Embracing the pillars of ending cognitive dissonance, rewiring belief systems, and adopting an experimental mentality ensures that individuals navigate their change journey with resilience, self-awareness, and optimism.