The Affective Liminal Programming (ALP) methodology, conceptualized and articulated as a Practitioner's Theory, owes its genesis to Annie Grace's seminal work on alcohol addiction.

Given the recognized challenges associated with overcoming alcohol addiction, the efficacy of ALP becomes particularly notable. As this approach continues to diversify across a range of behavioral domains, its foundation remains deeply rooted in its initial application to alcohol addiction.

Currently, the most comprehensive and compelling evidence supporting ALP's impact emerges from personal narratives. These accounts depict individuals who, guided by Annie Grace's innovative approach and with ALP serving as an implicit framework, have successfully attained liberation from alcohol dependence.

Engage with firsthand experiences by tuning into the This Naked Mind Podcast.

This Naked Life Book

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Delve into a myriad of personal accounts featured on our blog

  • Hayley Scherders

    Hayley, opens up about her journey from social drinker to the painful consequences of relying on alcohol. Hitting rock bottom forced her to confront a harsh reality, but amidst the self-doubt, she discovered a life free from the cycle of shame.

  • Bill Masters

    Bill coped by numbing and escaping but he wanted more. He wanted love, acceptance, and peace. Read his real and raw account of how he stopped drinking to deal with trauma and found freedom instead with This Naked Mind and The PATH.

  • Rina Bowring

    Rina grew up in South Africa and her experiences with alcohol started as a preteen using alcohol to overcome her social fears. After drinking regularly in her teens and early 20’s, a move to Australia led her to reduce her drinking.

  • Sam Goldfinch

    Sam’s cravings for alcohol always seemed to win when it came up against his heavy OCD or anxiety. But through the struggle, he could hear the echoes of his true self calling for a way out.

  • Soraya Odishoo

    Soraya struggled to feel accepted and authentic her entire life. Early on she realized just how judgmental the world could be and how difficult it was to fit the mold created by others.

  • Alison Mosiello

    Alison always had a passion for health and wellness but when her identity shifted as a new mom, she started finding herself turning to alcohol to feel free.